Rector Search Committee Office Hours
Rector Search Committee “Office Hours” to receive Parish Input
Sunday, January 14th in between services at 8:15am and 10:15am
An Invitation
Please join us at coffee hour in the Parish Hall in between services on Sunday January 14, 2024. Members of the Rector Search Committee will be available to receive input from parishioners who wish to share their thoughts about St James’ and the skills and characteristics they feel are most important for our new Rector.
The Search Committee is in the process of developing a “Parish Profile” that must clearly communicate who we are as a parish, our various styles of worship, our ministries and mission, and the characteristics and skills that we seek in our next rector. Your input is vital!
Additional opportunities for parish input will be provided as we continue through this process, including a second “Office Hours” on Sunday January 28th and a parish-wide Survey. Check the Transition Page of the website, and the Weekly, for updates.
Search Committee Members: Colleen Gannon and Marcia Watt (Co-Chairs), Nancy Corl, Jeffrey Davis, Susan Rynkiewicz, Erik Samhammer and Bill Spalding.