Adult Formation

Dive Deeper

Dive Deeper Bible Study to Meet at 10:30 each Tuesday on Zoom!
For Zoom Meeting Information, please contact Rev. Chuck Stewart at

Table Top Talks New Groups Forming March 2025

New Fellowship Groups are forming in March to meet once a month for the following 3 months.  Table Top groups meet outside of church for a meal or a simple get together with the purpose to connect with people you don’t know. Requests to join a group are needed to Nancy Graham 315-317-0138 by March 16th. Groups of 6 will be created and sent to each person the following week letting you know your group. If you can’t commit to 3 months and want to be on a sub list, you can sign up for that as well.  Fellowship helps to build our beloved community. 

Groups will meet March, April and May, break for the summer and a new mix of people will start again in September for three months. This plan allows new people to join every three months.

WHAT ARE TABLE TOP TALKS (aka Foyer Groups)? Foyer Groups are a fun and easy way for parishioners to gather together on an informal basis to enjoy one another’s company, to strengthen bonds of community, to meet new members and just get to know other people who share a common interest in St. James’ but with whom we might not otherwise interact.

There is no agenda or plan – just casual fellowship and a refreshing meal. Groups are made up of  a cross section of the parish. Out of the meetings, friendships develop among people who might not have any other opportunity to meet and get to know each other. Newcomers are especially invited to sign up to join one of the groups.

Each small group will be six to eight people meeting once a month. Your group decides on the day and time, beginning in March and ending in May, meeting in homes or at church in the Lakeside Room. Generally, the host/hostess provides the main entree and each person or couple brings one part of the meal. Some groups may decide to  discuss a book or article, while others gather for a purely social experience. The choice of available options is limited only by the group, but the main idea is for the gatherings to simply focus on fellowship, a refreshing meal and relaxed conversation. 

In  the past we had Foyer Groups for many years and people have been asking if we could start again-new name same Fellowship Fun! It is a wonderful way to get to know more people at church beyond sharing the peace. Sign up by calling the office. If you have any interest or questions, ask Nancy Graham, or 315.317.0138