Wednesday, May 15, 2024

6 -8 p.m.

 Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church
5299 Jamesville Rd., Syracuse, NY 13214

Guest Speaker: Dr. Greg Carey
Professor of New Testament at Lancaster Theological Seminary

 Dr. Greg Careys most recent books are:

Death, the End of History and Beyond: Eschatology in the Bible;

Using Our Outside Voice: Public Biblical Interpretation

 Christian Nationalism has been all over the news lately, but many people don’t know what it means or why it matters. This presentation will explain what Christian Nationalism is, how it works, and why it poses a danger to democracy and to Christianity itself. 

This event is FREE and open to the public.


The Interfaith Racial Equity Network in CNY

Gratitude to the following sponsors: 

All Saints Catholic Church, Center for Racial Justice (UCC), Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church,

Plymouth Congregational Church, St. Albans Episcopal Church, St. David’s Episcopal Church, St. Lucys Catholic Church, Trinity Episcopal Church, United Church of Fayetteville, University United Methodist Church, St. James Episcopal Church