Adult Lenten Study: The Faith of Leviticus led by Rev. Scott Parnell

Come listen to the dynamic Father Scott Parnell speak about how the old testament can shape how we look at the life of Jesus and our own. This program is held Thursdays at 6pm in the Parish Hall during Lent. All are welcome and can come to any or all.  “Jesus as a first century Jew was steeped in Torah: the instructive literature of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.  At the center of Torah is the book of Leviticus — a priestly manual of ritual law and moral commandments — given to inform the cultural imagination of the Jewish people.  Join us, this Lent, as we explore the life-giving themes of Torah drawn out in Leviticus.  By reading it in its whole context, we will reclaim its wisdom from fundamentalism and find its relevance in our faith, today.”


Mar 13 2025


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


St. James' Episcopal Church
96 East Genesee St, Skaneateles, NY 13152