Every year, Creation Justice Ministries produces a resource to help congregations observe Earth day. for the first time, we have commissioned and co-written three original pieces of music that tie into the resources’ main themes.  As you prepare for Earth Day this year, we invite you to explore these songs and find ways that they can speak to your congregation. Click the link to download this year’s resource, “Plastic Jesus: Real Faith in a Synthetic World” .
During the summer of 2023, six songwriters gathered at Sister Grove Farm in Van Alstyne, TX to develop songs based on our “Plastic Jesus” theme.  You are welcome to use the songs in your church or community. Recordings and sheet music can be found at creationjustice.org/plasticjesus.
Creation is Waiting For Us “Creation is Waiting For Us” speaks to the far reaching effects of our ecological crisis.  
Listen Here
Download Sheet Music Here

Fall In Love With The Earth “Fall in Love with the Earth” is a challenge for us to wake to the beauty of the creation that surrounds us and to recommit ourselves to its protection. Listen HereDownload Sheet Music Here 
Plastic Jesus “Plastic Jesus” speaks most pointedly to the problems that plastic pollution is creating in our environment and in our own health and the need to reorient ourselves to what is real in this world.  Listen HereDownload Sheet Music Here