St. James' Thrift Shop

Hours are:
Monday & Tuesday receive donations only 10am-1pm
Retail Shopping Hours
Tuesday 1-4pm
Wednesday-Saturday:  10am-4pm
PHONE:  315-685-5060
All up-to-date info can be found on their Facebook page:  CLICK HERE
Volunteers to work the Thrift Shop are wanted.  Please stop by and leave your name and contact information if you would like to donate some time.
For over 50 years, St. James’ Volunteers have organized and managed the St. James’ Thrift Shop in Skaneateles Village. Its mission is to provide local families with limited resources goods and clothing at low prices. Families in crisis receive free household goods and clothing. The money earned from the sale of consigned and donated items supports charitable causes and St. James’ ministries. 
The Thrift Shop is located in the basement of the Masonic Temple on Genesee Street between State and Jordan streets.
As with any business, there is a lot of work required to keep things running.  This store is maintained and operated by unpaid volunteers. If you want to donate some time each month to help maintain this treasure and vital ministry, please visit the shop or call (315) 685-5060 during open hours.

Who Have We Donated To?


St. James’ Episcopal Church

Harriet Tubman Fund

Ukraine Trust Chain

AFEDJ-GAZA Relief Fund

World Central Kitchen

Easter Farm Workers

Mathew Farm

St. Peter and John Soup Kitchen

Habitat for Humanity-Cayuga

Erin’s Angels

Aurora of CNY

Skan. Storks

Habitat Emergency Repair Fund

Episcopal R&D Tornados

Community Cares of Syracuse

El Salvador Scholarships

Emmaus Ministry

Onpoint College

In My Father’s Kitchen


Planned Parenthood

Laker Limo

A Tiny Home for Good

Skan Lake Assoc.

National Association for Mental Illness

Samaritan Center

InterFaith Works

Vera House

Hospice of Cayuga

One Simple Wish

Team Brownsville

Bike 4 Life

Hanger Credence Intern

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Mary Nelson’s Youth Center

Episcopal R&D Hurricanes

Skaneateles Food Pantry

Spafford Food Pantry

Rescue Mission

Town of Skaneateles Outreach

Skan Fire Dept.

Dr. Week’s Elementary School